The healing power of TLC, sunshine and moss

Posted on April 16, 2014


Yesterday morning we had more snow.  The sun came out and drove it away, but this morning we had more snow again. Is there no end to it?  Apparently not.  But never mind.  Even in the depth of despair there is healing for the frozen spirit. Yesterday was a case in point.

Babs invited me to breakfast at TLC – a/k/a the Torch Lake Cafe.  We had excellent eggs and bacon and then spent some time plotting to build an astonishingly beautiful arts and culture complex. (We are full of ideas. When they come to fruition you will be among the first to know. The very first will be whoever is eating breakfast at TLC. Some things never change.)

The very first Tourist People of the season arrived as we finished, and inquired as to the best way to get to the quilt shop in Charlevoix. Babs drew a map for them on the back of a placemat.

Second Breakfast - Babs Draws a Map

Yes, Babs was drinking iced tea for breakfast. No, that is not a good likeness of Babs. The sun was in the little camera’s eyes.

The sun came out during Second Breakfast, so I went back home and harnessed up the team for a walk in the woods.  I was looking for a secret green place we found on Saturday when it was too misty for the camera.  We followed the trail through hemlock and birch.

Birch trail

We wound through stands of maple and beech.

Maple trail

We arrived at the Three Season Stump – last autumn’s leaves, this winter’s endless snow, and a bit of spring green moss. It was a promising start.

Three season stump

I knew there was a whole carpet of moss up on one of the ridges, but which ridge? We went up and down the drumlins searching and reached a point of decision. Should we slide down to the lane at risk of life and paw?

Slide down to the lane?

Or should we climb higher at risk of breath and heart?

Climb up to the next ridge

Right. Up we went, where we were rewarded with quantities of lovely moss. I took pictures, Miss Sadie climbed up to the next ridge and played lookout, and the Cowboy rolled in wet smelly earthiness.

Mossy patch

Miss Sadie stands watch on the ridge

Miss Sadie stands watch on the ridge

No photo of the Cowboy at his worst. At any rate, by the time we got home we were all feeling much better. Nothing is so good at driving out despair as a little TLC, a pinch of sunshine, and some nice moss.