Easter basket

Posted on April 12, 2009


You’ve caught me in a really good mood. Yesterday there was a cache of little presents in my mailbox—my prize from Kathy’s Spring Scavenger Hunt.  It’s a whimsical Up North Easter basket if I’ve ever seen one.  A Lake Superior beach rock (I think it’s a mimetolith – see NW lower Michigan?).  A shell fragment painted with a cheerful alligator by a blogger in Florida.  A healing stone that glows like amber and feels nice to hold. 

Easter basket


Then there was the pretty card from my sister Cheri. I would like to lie on a quilt with a pillow and a good book and a wicker picnic basket full of treats. Soon, soon.

Card from Cheri


Today promises our first truly springlike weather, and we intend to enjoy every minute of it. Our morning walk gave me another shot at that dawn moon image I want. Here’s the latest sketch. Ah well. Maybe next month.

Easter morning moonset


The cladophora washed away last night, and this morning we could see the sandy bottom rippling under the waves. The green gunk will return, but it’s nice to be reminded that the beach can be washed clean again and again.

Sandy bottom, glassy top


We’re going for a ride to East Jordan where the Jordan River Arts Council is opening its spring show.  We’ll look for sandhill cranes along the way. Later on I’ll take a lily and a bottle of Late Harvest Riesling over to Cora and Paul Stoppert’s for dinner.  May you have a lovely spring day too, wherever you are.